Integrated Thermal Printer
Integrated Thermal Printer

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  Glass Universal Printer PK Traditional Spray Printing

  1. Silk screen printing

  Screen printing, also known as silk screen printing. Screen printing is a contact printing method. Firstly, the pattern should be made into a silk screen version, and then the glass surface should be colored one by one according to the color of the pattern.

  Screen printing has a much better printing effect than spray painting and can print multiple colors. The shortcomings are also very obvious. Screen printing cannot produce complex colors, and each color needs to be re printed. If gradient colors are to be produced, screen printing is powerless. If a pattern has 100 colors, it requires 100 manual operations, which is very inefficient for complex patterns.

  In terms of environmental protection, silk screen printing does not pollute the air, but due to washing the plate every time it is printed, it requires a lot of water resources to be polluted

  2. Glass universal printer

  The universal flatbed printer uses digital printing technology, and the computer can control the ink to the PL (picoliter) level. Inkjet accurately in areas that require printing, and generate colors through multi-color color matching. Do not inkjet in areas that do not require printing at all

  Due to the use of digital printing technology, no matter how rich the color of a pattern is, it is printed in one go. From monochrome patterns to the colorful hues of nature, all are printed in one go. In terms of simple 4-color printing, the ink cost per square meter for printing is similar to that of screen printing, but in terms of labor cost, only one-fifth of screen printing is required. More complex patterns cannot be made by manual screen printing.

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